Cardigan Taylor Swift Lightroom Presets for Mobile & Desktop

OK, so Taylor swift is trending on Youtube, and i saw her music viodeo and it’s called cardigan, i like the color of the music video. I created 3 presets for indoor like the on the first scene, forest like color and black water color like on the last scene were taylor swift appear on the ocean.

Indoor Vintage Color Scene #1 Samples v1 and v2

and here is my presets, i suggest you apply these preset in low light situations, you can download fire particles here if you want to add like on the screenshot FIRE PARTICLES

Forest Color Scene #2 Samples v3 to v6 and v11

this is the scene #2 you can also try my presets called Tanzania because it’s also related to forest colors, In many instances you will be able to get a great result with a single click. However, you can always make adjustments to suit individual photos.

I suggest to apply these presets to any forest like or with green colors.

The last scene is in the water (Scene #3 v7 to v10)

so these presets will turn all your photos to dark color, i suggest you apply this to any beach photos you had, or try in other scenes and see how it goes.

Note that in v10 i used graduated filter to add more darker effects, if you use Lr Free version you need to copy the tools except crop and then paste setting, then go to previous and all, create preset will not work on v10

Supported File Formats

Our presets was designed to be used with any type of files that are open with Lightroom and you can easily adjust the presets to your own style or the needs of the image.

  • RAW
  • DNG
  • PSD
  • TIFF
  • JPG

These presets may not work well on:

  • Overexposed Images.
  • Underexposed Images.
  • Images With No Background.
  • Low Quality Images.

If you like this post and have a minute to comment below, I would be very grateful! The images showed in this preview are owned by me.

Note: Please don’t sell these presets, I gave it for free. If you sell it , you will die haha Not so good preset but hope you still liked it.



This Preset Collection was made for Lightroom Mobile and PC users. Be sure to browse my website for more resources and let us know your favorites in the comments below.