Extraction Inspired Lightroom Presets + LUT

I just watched extraction in netflix, and i thought the color grading was doped, so i created this presets for lightroom (DNG and XMP files included) and lut for adobe premiere, filmora and final cut

This package contains 14 presets and some presets uses graduated filters, so you need to check tools when copying settings in Lightroom Mobile

If you here to download the LUT, I suggest to decrease the saturation

Settings to change

dec or increase exposure, shadow, clarity and saturation

Below are the example, Click to enlarge



PASSWORD: virgin

Note: Please don’t sell these presets, I gave it for free.If you sell it , you will die haha Not so good preset but hope you still liked it.

This Preset was made for Lightroom Mobile users. Be sure to browse my website for more resources and let us know your favorites in the comments below.