10 Clean HDR Lightroom Presets

There are a lot of different options when it comes to processing HDR photos. One option is to increase the dynamic range in Lightroom without the need to blend multiple exposures for a true HDR image. Lightroom’s settings allow you to create awesome HDR-inspired looks with ease, you just need to adjust the right settings.

Today we have a free Lightroom preset that will give your photos an HDR-like look quickly and easily. This preset is a sample from our larger set of popular HDR Lightroom Presets.  That set includes 10 one-click presets for amazing HDR effects. There are presets for subtle HDR effects, strong and bold HDR effects, as well as some black & white HDR effects. This free preset, just like all of our HDR presets, works in Lightroom 4, 5, 6, and CC. It works with both RAW files and .jpg files. It also works in Lightroom Mobile

This free preset works very well with a wide variety of photos from landscapes to portraits. It uses a somewhat subtle HDR effect, which helps to keep it more versatile. The full set of HDR Lightroom Presets includes a variety of different styles of effects, including some that are stronger and more extreme.

Settings to change

dec or increase exposure, shadow, black, clarity and exposure

you can adjust texture for more clarity

Below are the example, Click to enlarge

More Example Below from Enchanted Kingdom




Note: Please don’t sell these presets, I gave it for free.If you sell it , you will die haha Not so good preset but hope you still liked it.

This Preset was made for Lightroom Mobile users. Be sure to browse my website for more resources and let us know your favorites in the comments below.