Azura is a Persian name that means Blue. Sky Blue to be exact. People with this name have a deep inner desire for travel and adventure. I chose […]
lightroom preset
5 Free Premium Presets for Lightroom Mobile & Desktop
These Presets are my best presets so far, just apply this preset to your nature travel pictures or if it’s not fit on that kind of pictures just […]
Pavillion Feast Presets for Lightroom Mobile & Desktop
I saw lots of Lightroom users who used my presets in foods, and i find it not swak ba? parang di bagay sa foods yung preset na nakuha nila sa website ko, so i made this preset designed for foods, the only setting you […]
City Fade Preset for Mobile Lightroom
These presets will add orange color on the center or near center of your picture, just apply this preset to your city or urban pictures, or if it’s […]
Berdi Preset for Lightroom Mobile
The preset name Berdi has nothing to do with the color or where to use the preset. You can play around the preset and try to other kinds […]
6 Sinematic Freemium Presets for Lightroom Mobile
So these are my promise presets this week (first week of november 2018), My favorites cinematic effects, if you want me to remove the black bar let me […]
Orange Preset for Lightroom Mobile
These Presets will turn your photo into more orange color, note that not all presets will fit on your pictures, i suggest change the scenery or play around with the […]